Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Makin and Tessa have received an Award!

The Regal Vizsla and the Royal Majesties of that blog have been kind enough to honor Makin and Tessa with an award. The girls are both proud and humbled! Makin is especially proud as Momo, her son, has graced her with an award!

The spirit of the award is such that you are able to pass along the award to others.

We will honor just a few as we unfortunately do not spend as much time viewing as we would like. Kudos to all of those bloggers out there!

1) Monty's Training Diary Monty's person, has been kind enough to let us be part of her training classes. She has some great blogs and pooches on those blogs. She makes classes fun! She also has some great blogs that we enjoy very much.

2) Molasses Ain't Got Nothin on Us A great blog with terrific insight into the agility world, the training of two great mini-schnauzers and a variety of helpful dog related topics.

3) The View from Kololo Our inspiration to blog! A friends blog about adventures and life in Uganda.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Too cool! Ike and I thank you!

Sorry we missed weaves last night. Ike was feeling lonely!