Sunday, March 2, 2008

Brave Little Tessa

Tessa completely surprised me today. We were at the park this morning. Near the entrance to the park the temporary fence made of chicken wire had fallen down. As Makin ran in she did everything in her power to avoid touching it. I assumed there was no way Tessa was going to make it past this obstacle. Well, she certainly proved me wrong. She didn't try to jump it, she ran over it while it made all sorts of noise and actually ran back to me as I stood staring in amazement. I know that it seems like a small accomplishment but little things have spooked Tessa in the house and she has completely shut down. I am very happy with her bravery.

We also bumped into another V at the park and the three dogs and two people went for a nice hour + run. Tessa is definitely aware of the birds these days. Not sure if she is following Makin's lead but she is looking for them.

Tessa was also introduced to dogs best friend, the cat. Tessa can be very social and I have been wary of this at the park because we are often there early in the morning when the coyotes are more likely than not finishing up their rounds. I wasn't sure if Tessa would try to play with one if she saw it. Tessa's reaction to the cat made me think that she is smart enough to realize when someone does not want to play. She just stared in amazement at this black furball that hissed at her. She heeded my request to leave it, and off we went. Good girl!

We also did a bit of house shopping today. The thought of making this investment is totally overwhelming. Deciding on a size is also very difficult. How much house is too much? Do we want to do some work or do we want to move in and be all set. I don't know the answers to these questions but wish I did. Its challenging enough to keep my impulsive nature at bay and be realistic about what I am actually seeing. We had seen a place last week that we thought we loved. We went back this week and discovered it was not all that it appeared. Aesthetically it was nice, but it was lacking in a variety of different ways. I think it is going to be a difficult sale for this family. Very sad.

1 comment:

Katrin said...

Good girl Tessa!!!! She's growing up I tell ya :-)

Have fun house shopping, it's a bear. I've been at it for 3yrs, look where I'm still living....(ugh)