A little side-bar on this lab. I am guessing he weighed about 100 pounds and was interested in seeing him do the obstacles. He was excited, fast, and seemed to be having a blast. I wish I could get Makin to be that excited.
This week we worked a chute where we had multiple jumps with the tire mixed in, the A frame, the teeter followed by a jump, and then the tunnel with our first attempt at the weave poles. Makin did great on the chute and exhibited her speediness as she was able to get out ahead of and finish the jumps without us by her side. We then worked the A frame. Makin does well on this obstacle as long as the silly human thinks about their body language. Lael worked Makin great while I had another brain fart! Right now we are using a "wait" on the contacts and as I got to the back side I slammed on the breaks instead of having a smooth transition. Frustrating! Next up was the teeter. Makin seems to enjoy anything that she has to run up/on. Finally we ended with a tunnel and the weave poles (set of six). As this was our first introduction to weaves we had the guides (x-pens) to help the dogs through. I was happy that Makin was not spooked running through as we start a weave pole class in a few weeks and will be spending time working this obstacle every day. We are looking forward to it.
Well there were more ducks at the park this week. While Makin must have remembered how cold the water was; a little goof ball named Tessa did not. That is her below swimming in the hopes of scoring a mallard! The other picture below is of Tessa on one of the trails we use. I liked it because she looks pretty strong for a wee lass.
Today, Saturday, we met our new friend Moose. This little guy is a 16 week old black lab. He is bigger and heavier than either of our girls and I think he is going to be a big boy. We met Moose and his parents (Lauren and Chris) at the park this morning. We normally like the park that we went to. Not today. Some crummy owners. Upon entering the field one of the dogs immediately went after Tessa. That was the end of the field for the day. I don't think the owner of this obnoxious little guy enjoyed how I broke up the little melee! Nobody got hurt though so I suppose you can say there was some success. The rest of the walk was fun and it was good to meet Moose as I am sure he will be playing with Tessa quite bit in the future. He is one sweet little pooch.